
Corporation Tax, Post-Sales, Self-Assessment, Support

Understanding the 1046 Authentication Failure error message

FAQs » Pre Sales FAQs » Understanding the 1046 Authentication Failure error message

If you encounter the message “Local Error: 1046 Authentication Failure. The supplied user credentials failed validation for the requested service”, it could be for a number of reasons.

  • Wrong version of the software: Please check you have the latest version of the software by clicking Help > Check for Updates
  • Wrong Government Gateway ID or Password: These can be checked using the Options button from the submission dialogue.
  • Invalid UTR: The UTR should be entered in the correct format. For CT Returns, this should be 13 digits. For SA Returns this should be 10 digits.
  • A problem with the HMRC Gateway: You can check the HMRC status page. If they have not published any issues, then you should call HMRC for up-to-date information on the status of the Gateway, quoting your references.
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